+33 (0)1 55 57 16 10

Competitive Intelligence

Information to support your strategy

  • SSF
  • 5
  • Competitive Intelligence

Strategic assistance

Strategic foresight and sector-based studies,
inlcuding business mapping to help in decision-making and taking ation

Strategic foresight

Detect threats and opportunities within your business environment

Sector-based studies

Understand international markets and identify market forces

Business mapping

Make active decisions by identifying networks of influence

Compliance & Due Diligence

Background checks on your contacts, due diligence
in 130 countries and anti-corruption assistance.

Background checks

Background checks on individuals and companies

Integrity due diligence

M&A, JV, partnerships, fraud…

Support in combating corruption

Checking compliance of anti-corruption measures according to French law

Operational support

Fighting fraud, counterfeiting and information leaks,
backed by a comprehensive training shceme in competitive intelligence.

Fighting fraud and counterfeiting

Counterfeiting, misappropriation of assets, conflict of interest, unfair competition…

Combating information leaks

Protect your information assets upstream, both internally and in the context of your business relationships

Training and Education in CI

A comprehensive education and training shceme in competitive intelligence